Karina Seyful-Mulyukova

Interior designer / decorator


A key to design a daily-inspiring space

is to find the right balance of comfort and beauty.


I grew up in Moscow, Russia, and from the early years had passion for drawing and arts.

My parents always showed me how important is to surround ourselves with beauty even in daily life moments, and supported me to study at the Serov Arts school and then to graduate Stroganov Moscow State University of Industrial and Applied Arts in 2012.

During my university years I gained experience of working as a graphic designer at the publishing house, but I 3dimensional work attracted me more. After graduation I joined the team of high end residential design studio.


Since 2018 I started my personal practice, which includes full scope exposure at all stages of the interior design project:


- creative and individual approach

- architectural and decorating advising

- project development

- construction process coordination

- art consultation


But mostly! Making a living space with a special atmosphere for a happy life.


Originally based in Moscow, my family and I have also lived in London, Singapore and currently in Abu Dhabi.

I am excited to start a new chapter of work in UAE, providing best of my experience.